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The Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, tells a story about God, the world He created, and the incredible plan of redemption that unfolds as He creates a people for His own glory. We were created to enjoy God’s grace in relationship to Him, so that we may extend His glory to the ends of the earth. Matthew 28:9 commands and commissions us to “go and make disciples of all nations,” in other words, to serve the world!
Telling the story about God’s love for the world should be the focus of every Christian’s life. A missions lifestyle is demonstrated by our compassion, care for, and interest in the people around us who do not have a personal relationship with Christ. Missions can be lived over the back fence, down the street, in our communities and workplaces, and around the world. As we pray, give, and go, the good news is proclaimed!

International Partners

We partner with Keiv Theological Seminary in their Church Planting movement to help plant churches around the world.

Ireland has one of the lowest percentages of Christians in an English speaking country in the entire world. We partner with multiple baptist churches in Ireland to help spread the gospel.
More info coming soon.