Giving our Tithes and Offerings

As Christ followers we believe it’s important to submit to God by giving a portion of what he’s given us back to him. All good gifts come from the Father and we believe the joy that comes with acknowledging that nothing we have comes from ourselves leads us to give back to Him and his church for the advancing the Gospel forward into the community, city, state, nation, and world.

New Albany       Memphis       Palmyra       Salem       Dearborn

Online Giving – Simple and Easy

It is now possible and convenient to give online (either one time or automatically) using this website or our mobile app. Both are simple and easy to use. Consider gathering together as a family to dedicate what you give in prayer, asking God to accomplish spiritual results – especially that many would come to faith in Jesus Christ.

Secure and Tax Deductible

Online giving is secure and tax deductible. It allows you to set up your giving using an automatic bank draft or credit/debit card to your account. Any gifts given will be on your year-end giving statement to show for tax purposes.