We believe that even the smallest in God’s kingdom have a lot to offer in this world. We desire to see children transformed through Jesus Christ in order to, in turn, transform the world in which they live. They are our future.

Caring leaders introduce babies and toddlers to God’s love by creating a safe, comfortable atmosphere. Beginning at 6 weeks and going to 18 months, your child will get the opportunity to socialize with other kids while under the attentive care of our GracelandKIDS team.
Children ages 18 months to five years will experience Bible stories, videos, fun worship songs with motions and movement, and age-appropriate activities. Children are first introduced to meeting in small groups and beginning to build relationships with each other and leaders as they learn about God.

Children in Kindergarten to 5th-grade experience high-energy worship, a chronological study through the Bible, engaging age-appropriate activities, and intentional small groups. A fun environment is the setting for kids to build strong relationships with each other and their leaders as they learn about God.
Special Needs
Recess is our ministry that exists to connect children with disabilities into the life and community of Graceland Church. We believe each child, no matter their abilities, is a necessary part of the body of Christ.
Recess happens every first Friday night of the month. It takes place from 6:00pm to 9:00pm. Parents are invited to bring their special needs child and siblings in order to receive an evening of respite. Each child will be paired with a buddy and get to enjoy games, worship, arts and crafts and lots of social interacting throughout the night.
Sunday Recess happens during the 10:30am hour of worship at our New Albany Campus. To love kids and families best, we provide a one-on-one buddy system to ensure that each child is immersed in an inclusive environment with the comfort of a buddy to walk with them throughout each of our weekend services.
Please fill out the form below and wait to hear from us while we find a buddy for your child.

Our Family Care Network is for families in the fostering and adoption journey. We want to come along side you and give you the support that you need. We are currently meeting once a month on the 4th Sunday of each month at 10:30 AM in FLC B206. We would love to have you join us!
Follow the button below to find out what’s happening at Graceland Kids or to sign up for an event that’s coming up!
GracelandKIDS is open during both services at 9:00 and 10:30am on Sunday mornings.
At 9am Kindergarten through 2nd Graders worship together in the large group environment program. 3rd–5th Graders go to their small group classes. At 10:30am, the two groups flip-flop, with 3rd–5th Graders worshipping together in large group, and Kindergarten–2nd Grade going to their small groups. The large group and small group leaders are the same every week, so your child will enjoy getting to know their loving leader on a consistent basis.
Our Early Childhood Ministry, for 2 year olds to Pre-K is a wonderful environment where preschoolers will engage in Bible stories, scripture memory, and worship time. This is reinforced through a monthly memory verse, Bible story time each service and learning to worship God by traveling to the preschool worship room each week.
Bring your Elementary and/or Preschool child to the Children’s Ministry Building. If you are a guest, please allow our friendly volunteers to assist you with registering and locating rooms. First time check-in takes a little longer, so please come a few minutes early.
Nursery Guidelines:
- Babies must be 6 weeks or older.
- Computerized security name tags with matching check-in and check-out slips identify who is authorized to pick up the child.
- Babies will not be released to older siblings who are 5th grade or younger.
- Please label all personal items such as diaper bags, bottles, sippy cups and blankets to prevent mix-ups.
- Diapers, wipes and a change of clothes are helpful items to pack.
- Please no outside food or drink (with the exception of formula or breast milk). Older babies are offered Cheerios for snack.
- Parents are to remain on the Graceland campus.
- Older siblings are not permitted to stay in nursery rooms. The minimum age for volunteering in the nursery is 16.
- Please adhere to the Wellness Policy: Do not check in a baby or child who has had fever, vomiting, croup, diarrhea, oozing and or pink eye(s), rashes or other similar conditions in the 24 hours prior to check in.
- Volunteers will not administer medication.
GracelandKIDS is open during the 10:30am service hour on Sunday mornings.
At 10:30am Pre-K and Kindergartners, Kindergartners through 2nd graders, and 3rd graders – 5th graders meet in GracelandKIDS classes. These classes include Bible stories, age appropriate activities, and a fun environment.
If you are a guest, please allow our friendly volunteers to assist you with registering and locating rooms. First time check-in takes a little longer, so please come a few minutes early.
GracelandKIDS is open during the 10:30am service hour on Sunday mornings.
At 10:30am Pre-K and Kindergartners, Kindergartners through 2nd graders, and 3rd graders – 5th graders meet in GracelandKIDS classes. These classes include Bible stories, age appropriate activities, and a fun environment.
If you are a guest, please allow our friendly volunteers to assist you with registering and locating rooms. First time check-in takes a little longer, so please come a few minutes early.
GracelandKIDS is open during the 10:30am service hour on Sunday mornings.
At 10:30am Pre-K and Kindergartners, Kindergartners through 2nd graders, and 3rd graders – 5th graders meet in GracelandKIDS classes. These classes include Bible stories, age appropriate activities, and a fun environment.
If you are a guest, please allow our friendly volunteers to assist you with registering and locating rooms. First time check-in takes a little longer, so please come a few minutes early.
GracelandKIDS is open during the 10:30am service hour on Sunday mornings.
At 10:30am Pre-K and Kindergartners, Kindergartners through 2nd graders, and 3rd graders – 5th graders meet in GracelandKIDS classes. These classes include Bible stories, age appropriate activities, and a fun environment.
If you are a guest, please allow our friendly volunteers to assist you with registering and locating rooms. First time check-in takes a little longer, so please come a few minutes early.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I check my child in?
At all campuses we have a Graceland Kids Check In Kiosk set up for electronic check-in. This check-in kiosk will have a Graceland Kids volunteer to help you walk through the process, get your kids checked in to their class, and point you in the right direction!
What if my child is getting over a cold?
We operate a well-baby program. For the protection of all the children in our ministry, we cannot accept a child with a runny nose, fresh cold (2 days or less), fever (24 hours), rash, persistent cough, diarrhea or any other signs of illness. For Conjunctivitis the wait is one full week. We request that you not place your child in the program while they are at risk of exposing other children. Thank you in advance for helping us keep our church a healthy place for all.
What if my child needs me?
If your child needs you we will contact you through the phone number that you gave us at check in.
What about my child's medical alert/allergies?
Please inform the volunteer in your child’s room of any special concerns or conditions. As your child’s advocate, we ask that you communicate that information weekly to their teachers. Please verify that any allergies or alerts appear on your child’s Check-In Sticker. For food allergies, please inquire about the snack for that day.
How do I know my child is safe?
At Check-In you will be given a unique alphanumeric sticker along with your child’s Check-In sticker. At Checkout, present the alphanumeric sticker to the leader to pick up your child. A Team Leader or Greeter is present during all services, and a trained Security Team patrol and monitor the building at all times. Only adults with a child’s Check-In sticker are allowed to pick up the children. All of our adult GracelandKIDS Team Members undergo a background check as well as ministry specific training.
What Curriculum is being used?
We use The Gospel Project at all 5 campuses. The Gospel Project is a curriculum created by Lifeway Christian Resources. You can learn more about The Gospel Project at gospelproject.lifeway.com