Communications Request Forms
We want to get you and your ministry what you need, and these forms will help us do just that! Please choose one of the following forms for your request. If you are unsure as to which one you should fill out, it’s ok to just pick one.
A couple of helpful tips:
- Please do not submit anything that is not finalized or completed. If details are changed it will push the finish date back.
- Make sure all details are written in the request form. This includes the name of the event, times, locations, and any other information needed to be promoted or mentioned.
- If we need more information or clarity, we will reach out to you. Once the request is submitted, if all the above is followed correctly, we will only reach out to you if we need clarity on something or if there’s information that may have been missed. We would ask you not to send emails about a request unless you would like to cancel a request. This helps us with clarity on the request and knowing all of the information is in one location.
- We would prefer requests be sent at least 3-4 weeks out from the date you need the request finalized. This allows time for mistakes to be found and edited, revisions and/or style changes to be made, and finalization from all parties. Requests with a minimum of 14 days or less will be done as best can be done with the time allowed.
Have an event coming up?
- Start with the Digital Graphics & Promotions form. If you know your main details, fill this out so we can get started on the graphic!
- As your event gets closer, you can add other print requests, swag ideas, or photo/video requests. This ensures we have all the details we need and can get you what will serve your ministry best.